Biblically-based educational ministry enriched by historical and theological insight
I see a great hunger among today’s Christian leaders and laypersons to strengthen their grasp of Biblical, historical and theological foundations of our faith. Today’s believers want to know about our Christian roots through the centuries. They want to understand the history of revivals, and discover the secrets that birthed those revivals. They want to see the connection between Biblical truth, theology and the experience of God’s power. They want to have awareness of the origins of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movements that continue to fuel the global expansion of the Gospel. They want to know about historic figures through the centuries who walked in miraculous manifestations and recover their stories and learn their secrets.
I have been blessed to study and teach these kinds of topics for more than three decades. Now I have the possibility of stepping outside the classroom and sharing this material to wider audiences. My former students know that my focus is not just passing on information, but allowing for an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is free to manifest His presence and power.
Southport, North Carolina
Why the name "kairos?"
Kairos is a Greek word used frequently by New Testament writers. The word time is often used by English translators to convey the meaning of kairos. However, another New Testament Greek word generally is also translated as time. That word is chronos. Kairos and chronos have distinctly different meanings which are not conveyed in most English translations of the New Testament. Greater precision is needed to arrive at the appropriate meanings. In most instances, kairos is best understood to mean, “God’s appointed time,” whereas chronos simply means “clock-time.” Our English words chronology and chronicle are derived from the Greek word chronos.
Kairos time is a special moment when God breaks into and interrupts ordinary time in order to accomplish His purposes. When God’s kairos breakthroughs occur, ordinary time is arrested and opportunity is invited for people to encounter God in a special way. Chronos, or clock-time, represents the categorization of time into regular, measurable intervals, i.e., minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia.
Christians believe that life is more than just the passing of chronos time. All ordinary time gained unique definition with the gracious self-giving of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus proclaimed His own coming as the fulfillment of salvation history and the manifestation of God’s kingdom on earth. “The time (kairos) is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15) Completing His redemptive mission and ascending to His Father’s throne, Jesus left His church in the capable hands of the Holy Spirit to extend His ministry in word and power.
KMI understands that because of Jesus’ triumph and the Holy Spirit’s impartation, our ordinary time is now alive with purpose and possibility. Fresh opportunities unfold for those who are united to Jesus and are alive to His activity in the earth. Transformation occurs in the lives of people as we learn to recognize and respond to these special kairos moments of Divine encounter. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, saying, “…you did not recognize the time (kairos) of your visitation.” (Luke 19:44) Kairos Ministries International has been called into being to equip God’s people to recognize and experience God’s kairos breakthroughs in our generation.
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For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Isaiah 11:9